Lock-Down with Littles


Mommas, I feel ya…. Lock-down with little ones is not for the faint of heart! This is such a wild time in our world and those of us with small children know that their needs, both physical and emotional, don’t stop because the rest of the world has come to a screeching halt. So we are left to dig deep for some patience, pray a lot, and get creative in finding ways to connect with their hearts and get their bodies moving in the limited spaces of our living rooms and back yards.

In the next week or so I hope to film a couple videos of some music and movement activities you can do with your little ones. I will share versions of the activities and songs I use in my Worship for Wee Ones classes which work best with children ages 6 months - 5 years old. But until I can get that up here for you, I want to offer some links to fun YouTube videos and Spotify music that we really love!

So, pull out some shakers, drums or pots and pans, and let’s get moving! Here we go!

Some kids worship resources we love:

  • JANA ALAYRA - Fun and interactive kids worship videos with hand motions. The style is a little dated, but if you love a good iron-on decal as as much as I do, this will be a win.

  • BETHEL MUSIC KIDS!- So super fun and well done kids worship music videos. We LOVE “Deep Cries Out”. Judah calls it “deet deet” for “deep deep” LOL.

  • SING: CREATION SONGS by Ellie Holcomb - My heart feels so tender when we turn on this music. Really well done and it draws us to Jesus. We use a lot of these songs for the Worship for Wee Ones activities!

Can’t wait to share more with you in the coming days! Bless you all and grace, grace, grace as we learn how to lean into Jesus in new ways and love our children well!

<3 Sarah