
The Story

In the beginning, the story was simple. Maybe things still don’t need to be that complicated. Picture the moment it all began— the Creator breathes. Life is released. His plan of redemption ensues and His children embark on a journey to learn to live from the heart, since that is the place He has chosen to dwell. The glorious moment of salvation is only the beginning of an eternity of intimacy and communion with their Creator.

Sarah McGowan calls God’s people to step into their identity as sons and daughters through the language of music and the arts. Worship is the gateway to life in the kingdom, and art is a language of worship-- a language of the heart. 


“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back,” the old hymn says. The journey into His heart has taken her from coast to coast and continent to continent— from large gatherings to secret places. But regardless of the setting, she believes the goal is the same— to minister to the heart of God and cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus that results in a lifestyle of peace, passion and power. This, in turn, will impart to the next generation the revelation that He is, and always will be, the greatest treasure and the fullest reward.


The Project

“Like Ones Who Dream” was birthed out of a 14 year journey of trust and dependance. The title of the album comes from the song “Laughter,” a part of which says “You’re giving us a family/ You’re doing what you promised.” It was during those 14 years that the desire for personal fulfillment was transformed into a desire to see a family grow that could step into the promise together. The pieces finally came together in May 2017 to begin working on this project with the Furnace Music team.

You’re bringing fruit on a barren tree
You’re bringing sons and daughters
You’re giving us a family
You’re doing what you promised
— "Laughter"

As the desire for kingdom family was swirling in the realm of the abstract and metaphors, God brought the message home with a little surprise. Just as Sarah decided to pull the trigger and move forward with the project, she discovered she would not only be birthing this 14 year old dream, but she and Jordan would also be birthing their first child! What felt like crazy timing in the natural was actually a deep and transformative confirmation of identity and purpose.


Kingdom is family, and the dreams of God will be birthed in the context of His family. “Like Ones Who Dream” was tracked while Sarah was 6 months pregnant. Judah was born 3 months later. Two years later, and project will release while Sarah is pregnant with their second child. Kingdom is family, and the dreams of God will be birthed in the context of His family, not in spite of it. And as we move forward together, the adventure continues.

God sets the lonely in families,
he leads out the prisoners with singing...
— Psalm 68:6a



 The Fam

Sarah and her husband Jordan live in Woodstock, IL with their son Judah and new baby Zion. They work and serve at their local church, Christian Fellowship of Crystal Lake. Jordan preaches, Sarah sings, and the boys bring the adventure! They love family park excursions, re-runs of Psych, good coffee, and leading worship together. Together, they believe God is teaching his church how to do healthy family well, which starts with learning how to be one.

